Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Remember this when you are young?
We getting our "BCG", the nurse will apply some cooling liquid on our forearm. She will then take out a syringe and poke it under the skin. You feel nothing when she insert the needle. But the moment, she withdrew the needle.
This is freaking pain! Of course, some of my friends cried.
Me too. But I will just try to pretend it feel nothing.
The big bullies who always look so tough, will even shed his tears at the slight of needles.
Haha, this is only the moment, where I will proudly go up to them and said,
"You sissy!"
Of course, you know, after they got the injection, I am beaten by them.
Thinking of it, I am so proud of it when I was young, confronting the big fat bullies and "suaning" them when they are weakest.
Of course, if I do that today, I might just end up in hospital.
6:39 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face