Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday has become something very different for me.
8:52 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face
Thursday, November 20, 2008
oops, my last blog was on 6th Nov 2008.
7:08 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face
Friday, November 7, 2008
my goodness, this is so true.Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
14 Ukiyo-e, 6 Islamic, 0 Impressionist, -9 Cubist, -23 Abstract and 11 Renaissance!
Ukiyo-e (浮世絵, Ukiyo-e), "pictures of the floating world", is a genre of Japaneseand paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries. it mostly featured landscapes, historic tales, theatre, and pleasure. Ukiyo is a rather impetuous urban culture that has bloomed in popularity. Although the Japanese were more strict and had many prohibitions it did not affect the rising merchant class and therefore became a floating art form that did not bind itself to the normal ideals of society.
People that chose Ukiyo-e art tend to be more simplistic yet elegant. They don't care much about new style but are comfortable in creating their own. They like the idea of living for the moment and enjoy giving and receiving pleasure. They may be more agreeable than other people and do not like to argue. They do not mind following traditions but are not afraid to move forward to experience other ideas in life. They tend to enjoy nature and the outdoors. They do not mind being more adventurous in their sexual experiences. They enjoy being popular and like being noticed. They have their own unique style of dress and of presenting themselves. They may also tend to be more business oriented or at the very least interested in money making adventures. They might make good entrepreneurs. They are progressive and adaptable.
Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test at HelloQuizzy
1:16 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face
Your result for The 4-Variable IQ Test...
35% interpersonal, 15% visual, 5% verbal and 45% mathematical!
Brother-from-another-mother! Like mine, your highest scoring intelligence is Mathematical. You thrive on logic, numbers, things representing numbers, and sets of things that are sets of other things, with numbers nowhere in sight. You probably like the online comic called XKCD, and if you don't, check it out.
You probably knew you'd score "Mathematical" as you took the test, and mathy types are usually super-high scorers on this axis, and low on the others. Why? Because you (we) yearn for math.
Anyway, your specific scores follow. On any axis, a score above 25% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 25% means you use it less. It says nothing about cognitive skills, just your interest.
Your brain is roughly:
35% Interpersonal
Matching Summary: Each of us has different tastes. Still, I offer the following advice to the world.
1. Don't date someone if your interpersonal percentages differ by more than 20%.
2. Don't be friends with someone if your verbal percentages differ by more than 25%.
3. Don't have sex with someone if your math scores differ by over 40%. You might kill them.
Take The 4-Variable IQ Test at HelloQuizzy
1:06 AM
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// let's put a smile on that face
Adventurous Bee
Problems you may see.Board Of Bees
- REINAGoals
into the past
September 2008Credit to:
Designer: Shannon